Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Scientific schools

Scientific seminars-discussions, conducted by postgraduate students and research associates within the frame of scientific schools, play an important role in the improvement of the theoretical and methodological level of dissertations. The scientific schools of ISEDT RAS are the following:

  • Problems of the comprehensive study of economic and social processes. Scientific supervisor – Doctor of Economics, Professor V.A. Ilyin;
  • Theory and methodology of management of sustainable socio-economic development of regional systems. Scientific supervisor – Doctor of Economics T.V. Uskova;
  • Issues of socio-demographic development of territories. Scientific supervisor – Doctor of Economics A.A. Shabunova;
  • Issues of scientific, technological and innovative development of territories. Scientific supervisor – Doctor of Economics K.A. Gulin.

Seminars are carried out in all ISEDT RAS departments two times a month on the following subjects: “Regional economy and management”, “Social economy”, “Strategic management and innovative economy”, “Development of intellectual potential of the region”, and “Marketing of scientific production”