The Academic Council

The members of the Academic Council of ISEDT RAS have been elected by the General meeting of the Institute’s research associates on the 14th of January 2016 and involve 21 persons, including 8 Doctors of Science and 13 PhDs.

By virtue of their positions Director and Academic Secretary of ISEDT RAS form part of the Academic Council as the Chairman of the Academic Council as the Scientific Secretary of the Council respectively.

The work of the Academic Council is organized according to the work schedule of ISEDT RAS Academic Council for 6 months. The Sessions of the Academic Council are held at least once a month. Research associates, graduate students and invited experts from the Vologda Oblast Government and business take part in the consideration of scientific reports and papers during the Academic Council meetings.

ISEDT RAS Academic Council:

  • develops and approves the plan of the Institute’s research work in accordance with the annual plans of fundamental and research scientific studies, developed and approved by the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations together with the Russian Academy of Sciences for academic institutions within the framework of the program of fundamental scientific research in the Russian Federation for a long-term period;
  • develops main research guidelines of the Institute, recommends for approval programs of research works, plans of scientific personnel training, international collaboration, meeting and conferences, and other plans, considers issues of material, technical and financial supply of planned works;
  • organizes the elections of the Institute’s Director;
  • hears Director’s suggestions concerning the structure of ISEDT RAS;
  • discusses and approves the reports of Director and heads of the departments on the results of research;
  • discusses and approves main results of the Institute’s activity for annual reporting;
  • takes decisions of establishing, members and terms of the statutory committee, after the approval of the Statute by the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations hears the report on its work;
  • discusses relevant issues of science development, hears scientific reports and papers;
  • nominates research works, inventions and other achievements for inscribed medals; nominates the Institute’s research associates for academic degrees and honorary titles;
  • proposes candidates for full and correspondent members of RAS;
  • elects the heads of research departments and other research associates through competitive selection;
  • elects chief editors of titles published by the Institute, and approves the composition of editorial staff according to the Director’s recommendation;
  • estimates the results of the Institute’s and its departments’ research works;
  • considers and recommends for publishing research works of the Institute;
  • controls the Institute’s postgraduate school, approves subjects of theses and candidates for the positions of academic advisers, hears the reports of the postgraduate students and their advisers;
  • considers other specified in the Statute of the Institute.

Members of the Academic Council of ISEDT RAS


Shabunova Aleksandra Anatol'evna

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Chairman of the Academic Council, Director of VolRC RAS

Телефон: (8172) 59-78-03


Scientific Directorь

Il'in Vladimir Aleksandrovich

Doctor of Economics, Professor Corresponding Member of the RAS, Scientific Director of ISEDT RAS, Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation

Телефон: (8172) 59-78-35


Academic Secretary

Boitsova Natal'ya Nikolaevna

Ph.D. in Philology, Academic Secretary of ISEDT RAS

Телефон: (8172) 59-78-49


Members of the Academic Council

Afanas'ev Dmitrii Vladimirovich

Ph.D. in Sociology, Associate Professor, Rector of Cherepovets State University

Babich Lyubov' Vasil'evna

Ph.D. in Economics, Deputy Director, Head of the Department for the Studies of the Influence of Integration Processes in Science and Education on Regional Development

Телефон: (8172) 59-78-08 / (8172) 59-78-10 (206)


Gulin Konstantin Anatol'evich

Doctor of Economics, Deputy Director, Head of the Department for the Studies of Problems of Scientific and Technological Development and Knowledge Economy

Телефон: (8172) 59-78-22


Gubanova Elena Sergeevna

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Finance and Credit Department of Vologda State University


Zadumkin Konstantin Alekseevich

Ph.D. in Economics, Senior Research Associate of the Department for the Studies of Socio-Economic Development and Management in Territorial Systems

Телефон: (8172) 52-50-09


Zeifman Aleksandr Izrailevich

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Chief Research Associate of the Department for the Studies of Problems of Scientific and Technological Development and Knowledge Economy, Dean of the Faculty for Applied Information Science and Computer Technologies of Vologda State University

Kalachikova Ol'ga Nikolaevna

Ph.D. in Economics, Deputy Director for Scientific Work, Head of the Department for the Studies of Lifestyles and Standards of Living

Телефон: (8172) 59-78-10 (305)


Leonidova Galina Valentinovna

Ph.D. in Economics, Head of the Laboratory for the Studies of Labor Potential Development Issues at the Department for the Studies of Lifestyles and Standards of Living

Телефон: (8172) 59-78-19


Maklakhov Aleksei Vasil'evich

Doctor of Economics, Interim Director of the Northwest Dairy Farming and Grassland Research Institute

Morev Mikhail Vladimirovich

Ph.D. in Economics, Head of the Laboratory for Researching Social Processes and State Administration Efficiency of the Department for the Studies of Lifestyles and Standards of Living

Телефон: (8172) 59-78-10 (127)


Tret'yakova Ol'ga Valentinovna

Ph.D. in Philology, Head of the Department of Editorial-and-Publishing Activity and Science-Information Support


Selin Mikhail Vasil'evich

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Economic Security and Property

Pechenskaya Mariya Aleksandrovna

Ph.D. in Economics, Head of the Laboratory for Researching Issues of Public Finance of the Department for the Studies of Socio-Economic Development and Management in Territorial Systems


Terebova Svetlana Viktorovna

Ph.D. in Economics, Head of the Technology Transfer Center of ISEDT RAS

Телефон: (8172) 59-78-07


Tkachuk Stepan Nikolaevich

Ph.D. in Economics, Business Rights Commissioner in the Vologda Oblast

Uskova Tamara Vital'evna

Doctor of Economics, Deputy Director for Research Work, Head of the Department for the Studies of Socio-Economic Development and Management in Territorial Systems

Телефон: (8172) 59-78-06


Chekavinskii Aleksandr Nikolaevich

Ph.D. in Economics, Deputy Head of the Department for the Studies of Socio-Economic Development and Management in Territorial Systems


Golovchin Maksim Aleksandrovich

Ph.D. in Economics, Research Associate, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the Department for the Studies of Lifestyles and Standards of Living

Телефон: 59-78-10 (314)
