Research activity

The goal and subject of the scientific activity of ISEDT RAS is the realization of fundamental, research and applied scientific work, development efforts, implementation of scientific achievements and advanced experience that are aimed at obtaining and practicing new knowledge on the issues of territories’ development, industrial complexes and securing of their sustainable functioning.

Conducting fundamental research is one of the main lines of the Institute’s activity and is carried out within the frame of the Program of fundamental scientific research of National academies of sciences for 2013-2020, approved by the Russian Government Decree No. 2237-r dated December 03, 2012 and the State program of the Russian Federation “Development of science and technology for 2013-2020”, approved by the Russian Government Decree No. 2423 dated December 20, 2012. The Programs of fundamental research of RAS Presidium and the Department of Social Sciences also lend organizational support for the Institute’s scientific work.

The Program of fundamental research provides the realization of comprehensive scientific tasks. The Institute continues to work at the development of methodology and methods for scientific research that assumes the advanced use of mathematical techniques and mathematical modelling in Economics while conducting research, and also the improvement of research’s comprehensiveness on the basis of ISEDT RAS scientific departments’ cooperation through the creation of temporary multidisciplinary teams.

The important direction of activity is the development of applied research that provides government and management authorities’ competitiveness. Research models and tools of ISEDT RAS based on the global and domestic experience and on its own fundamental research are the most pressing and solicited in the socio-economic sphere of the Vologda Oblast.

Within the frame of this direction the Institute carries out research on the issues of territories’ industrial development, competitiveness and fiscal capacity, improvement of efficiency of natural-resources potential’s implementation and territories’ ecologically sustainable development, improvement of efficiency of government authorities’ performance and their collaboration with economic entities, development of small and medium business, transfer and commercialization of technologies, implementation of innovative projects in industrial enterprises.

Within the framework of ISEDT RAS scientific schools “Problems of the comprehensive study of economic and social processes” (scientific supervisor – Doctor of Economics, Professor V.A. Ilyin), “Theory and methodology of management of sustainable socio-economic development of regional systems” (Doctor of Economics T.V. Uskova), “Issues of socio-demographic development of territories” (Doctor of Economics A.A. Shabunova) and “Issues of scientific, technological and innovative development of territories” (Doctor of Economics K.A. Gulin) scientific seminars-discussions are functioning on a regular basis. In order to enhance and develop the scientific schools, it is planned to extend them, to improve the quality of the research and to organize new studies. The important task is to achieve the criteria allowing to include the Institute’s scientific schools into the list of leading scientific schools of RAS, and also to participate in the Program of the development of scientific schools of RAS.